Each department has regular meetings and issues of importance to the schools as a whole may be carried to the school management committee for school-wide discussion.

The School Principal is required to meet with all teachers in a special teachers meeting at the beginning and end of each semester. This is an official meeting which is formal in character.

All meetings have minutes taken for distribution to members and others in the school community. Minutes are required to be kept and are inspected during official inspections.

In addition to more formal meetings there are many other school activities which are regulated by committees formed at the general teacher meeting at the beginning of the year, such as, amongst others, the discipline committee, honour committee, counselling advisory committee, safety committee. Different members of staff are elected to work on these committees.

Students have a student council, one for each school, which is elected each year by all students in a secret ballot. There are class representatives from grade 9 onwards and they are actively engaged in the life of the school and its decision-making.