As required in the 50th article of regulation on secondary education institutions that have just been published, students have to complete one ‘Performance Homework’ for each lesson.

Performance homework is saved as a ‘Performance Grade’ found on the e-school system. Students will have 3 oral grades with 2 other oral grades based on class activities, homework, having appropriate materials and their participation in class.

About Performance Homework:

  • Performance Homework has been determined depending on the level of the lesson (e.g. all 9th grade students have to complete the same performance homework in their related lessons)
  • While pieces of Performance Homework are determined by teachers, students’ academic levels, the process of time, the content of homework and evaluation principles are all taken into consideration.
  • The structure and content of Performance Homework, evaluation principles and rubrics are announced to students on the day that the homework is assigned.
  • The steps and evaluation principles to perform when a student doesn’t complete their homework are based on department decisions with students being informed about the decision.
  • Performance Homework assignment due dates will be announced to parents via e-mail or on the school website.
  • The evaluation results of Performance Homework will include feedback and students will get help having awareness about this and this information will be shared with parents.
  • Performance homework can be a written assignment or in presentation formats.